Five Dollars isn't a lot of money until you don't have $5 and receive an email like the one I did from Barack Obama.
Contribute $5 to be entered into a raffle to win one ticket to the Inauguration. In other words, nothing, including a ticket to history, is free.
Then there's Pastor Rick Warren. A bigot. That's a fair comment - he's a bigot who compares homos to dirty old men and witches. Make a donation to be part of history and hear a bigot give the invocation. Talk about eating sweet 'n' sour!
I was an ardent Obama supporter, devoted robo-caller and tireless social campaigner for him. I was so happy that he won the election that I cried. And I got red-eyed several times over the 2 weeks or so following the election when I talked about feeling hopeful about our future again.
But today I got an "invitation" from which I joined after Hillary gave up and I moved my loyalties into the Obama camp. It was an easy transition, by the way.
I certainly don't have any illusions that Hillary and Co. would do anything differently, either. Perhaps the Price tag would be even higher because we would be getting 2-for-1?
Still, it would have been a nice gesture to those of us on the bottom of the economic crash to have been offered a chance to enter the "lotto" for a ticket to the Inauguration, gratis.
I feel as if the Obama Team missed something big on their road to power. They forget that word-of-mouth campaigning is sometimes more valuable than a monetary contribution. But no, it still costs a minimum of $5 to even be considered in an "Evita" like lotto system.
And they forgot that we homos in America are sick of being brought to the fore of every political debate in this country, including the one that is currently raging about Pastor Rick.
Politics as usual....